Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it's absolutely free to use. No word or character limits and no subscription charges. Also, you don't need to signup or login to access it.

  • Firstly, open the Word Counter on your PC.
  • Input or paste the content.
  • After that, you can see the live counting of words and characters on the right side of the input box.

No, the file upload feature is not available at the moment. So, you have to open the file in Notepad or Microsoft Word and simply copy and paste it here.

You can count an infinite number of words or characters. It will never show the limit while using the tool.

No, there is no autosave facility available at the moment. If you want to save your entered data, you can copy and save it on your local computer or device. Also, you can use the Notepad Online to save your content in a text file.

Our tool only shows total words and characters (with or without space). So, we have developed another tool for line counting. Check out it here: Line Counter